Hugo Future Imperfect Slim

Adventures in Userland

Exploring the wonders of technology

iDrac5 falling into obsolescence

Does this stuff still even work?

Thomas Peters

I recently had a remote server that did not come back after a reboot, Held out in hopes that it would figure it’s self out but to no avail. Looked up the information I needed to access iDrac and actually got into the web interface with little issues. Found the remote console section and proceed to click the launch button. And here is where the first issues started to crop up

Being that this one of the older servers I manage, All the server remote management had to offer was iDrac 5. I was lucky enough to not need a java install as often is the case, yet Google Chrome would play nice with the Active-X Console. Well off to the trusty legacy browser IE it is. Once the Active-X plugin got itself installed I actually got a view of what I was dealing with only to be followed by a sinking feeling.

Foreign configuration(s) found on adapter. Press any key to continue

I go to press a key, Press the key again, Press and hold all the keys….. Nothing. I had a windows into the issue but lacked any control to do anything about it. After search around I finaly found it. The simple fix. Add the url to the Trusted Site’s security list within IE. Refresh the Page, DONE!

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